

The Expert in Artificial Plants

Maxifleur is a company that produces high-quality artificial plants that are indistinguishable from real ones. These plants can be found in many hotels, offices, hospitality venues, and increasingly in homes! To better inform and inspire consumers, Floral Innovations supports Maxifleur in creating banners, product images, and ambiance settings.

Maxifleur approached us with the challenge of enabling consumers to combine Wally wall pots with plants in the most user-friendly way possible, to create a visually appealing solution. With our Floraconcepts service, we developed an innovative configurator.

Try our configurator yourself

Personalized configurator

This configurator allows consumers to choose from a wide range of artificial plants and high-quality Wally wall pots. The goal was to provide an intuitive and visually appealing platform where users can easily assemble their ideal combination of pots and plants. With this tool, consumers can design their perfect combination effortlessly.


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