


Pineapple is booming! And that’s how this famous bromeliad earned its own website.

On ananasspecialist, you’ll find fun facts, storytelling, and care tips. If you’re filled with inspiration after seeing the lifestyle tips, you can immediately purchase one from the webshops linked to the site.

one page websites

One-pagers, websites that consist of a single page and can be read like a magazine, are ideal for branding a product or brand. Focusing on one topic makes the website very clear, and with concise, impactful texts combined with striking illustrations, one-pagers are perfect storytellers.

In this way, your product or service truly stands in the spotlight!

  • one-page website
  • auto-feed Instagram image wall
  • fully responsive

    A fun fact is that for this site, our service has created several beautiful themed images!

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