LOFElonglife – by Anaiah

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‘Straight from Costa Rica into your own living room!’

Anaiah Holland introduces a brand new flower stem for multiple use: the Drasingle and Dratwigle. As a decorative stem in a bouquet or as a single stem in a decorative bottle. And on water the Dratwigle grows roots, which makes it possible to grow a whole new plant when potted!

Creating a brand

Helping to design a fresh fitting look for a new product is one of the nicest things to do! In coöperation with Etitrends we designed and developed a website, flyers, business cards and many more for LOFElonglife. Check out their website at: lofelonglife.com 

What we did:

  • Full responsive onepage website
  • WordPress CMS
  • Hosting +SSL
  • business card design + print
  • Trifold flyers design + print
  • photo-editing for auction clocks, webshops and print
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